Course Introduction

Introduction to Power in Prayer

There are different types of prayer and rules that apply to each.  Knowing which prayer to use and how to be effective will increase the success of every believer’s prayer life.

How many of you have ever played football?  Did you need to know what the rules were before you played?  How many of you have ever played basketball?  Did you need to know the rules?  Although both of these are athletic games or sports, there are different rules that apply to both.  You would not play the games without knowing the rules.

Unfortunately, some have done this with the topic of prayer.  Some have lumped everything together.  There are different ways to pray for different situations that arise in our lives.  There are different kinds of prayers for different circumstances.  Of course, this is not to limit or confine prayer to a set of rules and regulations, but to give us a better understanding of how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit more fully.

There are three keys that we believe will help you enrich your life in prayer.  They are to be persistent in your pursuit of God through prayer, to be purposeful as we share our heart with God, and to be personal in our relationship with God.

Remember, it takes time to develop a deep prayer life as one enhances their personal relationship with God.  It is the same as developing a close, personal and intimate relationship with a friend.  The good news is that you can start of go deeper in your relationship with God, self, and others today!  Start now by involving God in the details of your life and learning to recognize His faithfulness even in the little, everyday challenges and events.

It is our hope that this course enriches you greatly as you love and lead in Him.

Let us pray.

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