Appendix A

  1. amillennialism – The denial that an earthly millennium of universal righteousness and peace will either precede or follow the second advent of Jesus Christ; not expecting a literal millennium.
  2. annihialationsim – The theological doctrine that the wicked will cease to exist after this life.
  3. anthropology – The study of human beings.
  4. apostolic benediction – “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen” (2 Corinthians 13:14).
  5. dualism – The belief that the universe is dominated by the opposing forces of good and evil.
  6. eschatology – A branch of theology concerned with the final events of the world or mankind. Any of the various Christian doctrines concerning the Second Coming, the resurrection of the dead, or the Last Judgment. “Last days”-events from the time of John the Baptist on.
  7. interactive drama – An activity that involves group participation through verbal or physical responses.
  8. microcosm – A little world; a miniature universe. Example: A camp becomes a city in microcosm.
  9. modalism – A doctrine which assumes the Trinity is not three distinct persons, but three forms of activity.
  10. monotheism – The belief in one God.
  11. pantheism – God is all and in all. Everything is divine; everything is secular. God is treated as being unchangeable, immovable, and unrelated. God is also treated as being related, though limited, changeable, and fallible.
  12. paradigm – Example, especially an outstandingly clear or typical example.
  13. pneumatology – The doctrine of the Holy Spirit.
  14. polity – In reference to the church: the way the church is organized. Polity equals government.
  15. polytheism – The belief in many gods.
  16. postmillennialism – A theological doctrine that the second coming of Christ will be after the millennium which is to come as the result of the Christianization of the world without miraculous intervention.
  17. premillennialism – The theological doctrine that Christ’s second coming will occur prior to and usher in the millennium.
  18. prevenient – The divine grace that is said to operate on the human will before its turning to God.
  19. proleptic – To represent a future event as if it presently exists.
  20. (The) Shamah – “Hear, 0 Israel: the Lord our God is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4). This is the fundamental statement of faith for the Jews.
  21. teleology – The fulfIllment of purpose; the accomplishment of an end; the fulfillment of God’s design. (Teleological refers to all the events from the promise of John the Baptist’s coming until the fulfillment of the kingdom of God.)
  22. trajectory – A path, progression, or line of development.
  23. transhistorical – Transcending historical bounds.
  24. unitarianism – The belief that God is nonsocial. He created bylaws and has no further relationship with the creature.
  25. universalism – A theological doctrine that all men will eventually be saved or restored to holiness and happiness.
  26. volitional – Having the power to choose.
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